A Call to Arms: Star Fleet
About A Call to Arms: Star Fleet
A joint product using Mongoose's "A Call to Arms" miniature system and ADB's "Star Fleet Universe". From the Mongoose Publishers website: A Call to Arms: Star Fleet is...Read More
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Expansions
Similar Games to A Call to Arms: Star Fleet
My understanding is that this game improved since I bought it. The Call to Arms system is very good in the Babylon 5 genre. Here, there are so many errors in the manual the game was hardly playable. Plus the movement advantage Klingons have in SFB and FC is amplified so powerfully here that the Feds can't compete, which is not true in the game. Good idea, good system, but not a good game IMHO. At least not in the first edition.
I have only played Federation Commander, but this is what I wanted form a space combat game. Huge fleets shooting out. Fast game play, easy to grasp rules. Just hope mongoose publishing doesn't mess it up.
A smooth system, but I confess I have never been a fan of the 'Stare Fleet' version of Star Trek. The ship designs look silly and very dated. I prefer to adapt the ship classes to my old collection of FASA Star Trek models.
A game rushed into production to sell miniatures the company can't even produce, that is a poor representation of the Starfleet Universe, arbitrarily assigns advantages/disadvantages to empires for no in universe reason, and with a balance weighed heavily towards fleets of smaller ships.
1/21/2023 update. Own Rules Only: First edition rulebook. Second edition pdf from Wargamevault
Solid system. My only issue is maneuver. There just is not enough of it.
Simple, straightforward and a good feel for Star Trek. Models are very good looking, though resin had production problems. None of the metals I have had any problems, though, so a step up!
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