About Hawaii: Kamapua'as Gunst
A Spielbox expansion for Hawaii. It adds a new God Kamapua'a (2 tiles) and 2 new islands as well as new fish/price chips and a 2 VP spear marker. Kamapua'a: Frontside: One fruit per turn;...Read More
Just what you want a mini-expansion to be; offers a nice change to how the game is played without overshadowing the original. Definitely worth picking up if you are a Hawaii fan.
[01.10.2012] Don't like the new fish tiles. The permanent fish tiles are way better than the surfers, since they are acquired much more easier, cheaper, and they count for determining majority of the end of round VPs. Plus with the right god they also generate 4 VP each - and the god produces fruit.
Although we will use the new islands and the 2 VP marker for the last round.
Little expansion. The permafish might be a little unbalanced, but that's okay.
Additional tiles to add a little more variety to the game.
Introduces a new mechanic. Not bad.
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