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Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945

GMT Games
Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945
BGG Overall Ranking
2-3 players
Best: 3
3.4 / 5
240-360 min
Playing Time

About Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945

Triumph & Tragedy is a geopolitical strategy game for 3 players (also playable by 2) covering the competition for European supremacy during the period 1936-45 between Capitalism (the West), Commu...Read More

Triumph & Tragedy: European Balance of Power 1936-1945 Expansions

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In many respects, this follows and fills the "standard block wargame" in my collection. A model of pre/during war Europe, what I find I really enjoy about the game is it is less simulation and more sandbox; you can build the bomb, take over places with a military, or out produce everyone for the win. I've seen games which sort of recreated the war, and I've had a game where the Nazis were the only peaceful group even through 1943...

One of the things that I think helps drive the game forward in terms of pacing is that there is a standard kickstart (the initial hand draw and massive card deployment the first turn) and then there is a general sorting out; you try and achieve victory through economic/diplomatic jockeying first and as time passes, the game turns and becomes a war game. It's that turn that is fascinating as it occurs at different times and in different ways. It could be that you run late into the game and it finally turns, it could be in 1938... Fundamentally you have two "games" in terms of objectives/priorities/etc and it's a matter of determining when to abandon ship on one and focus on the other that makes this interesting. It works in terms of modeling that, almost emotional, thinking in the lead up to WW2, and it works in regards to giving players something to chew on (as my spouse and a friend both said; it's not a complicated game to learn, it's a complicated game to figure out how to do well in). That fluid nature of how things are in terms of VoN or DoW or production usage and the pressure that exerts on other players is really well done. It's bitter sweet though (see below).

On the outset, one of the few things I don't like about the game is that it takes ages to really play out. I've yet to see a game go past 1943 and take less than 5 hours. I think part of that is inexperience, but part of it is there is just so much stuff you can mess with and you sort of get bogged down with combat. Second, I think sort of knowing that you're going to make that switch in the model, it becomes less of a surprise; you can start seeing the writing on the wall and move on to military. Granted, that's the model of the time (and it does succeed at that), but that it doesn't seem to play out differently in the grand scheme is unfortunately. Where I think there is some variance is in when you make the jump to military and how much you pursue each victory condition as a hedge, especially to be successful, you have to make that plan at the beginning of the game.

Rather interested if the short game is any better, and how the C3i scenarios play out.

edit: down from a 7 to a 6; I rather enjoy this game, and when we book a few evenings or a weekend to play, I find I really dig the first 4 hours. After that though, it's a slog and I think my overarching dislike with the game is much more related to the play time than it is regarding the ruleset or scenarios or anything else. I've heard of people playing this in 3-4 hours and even when I played with those people it ran 6, and I can't figure out what's different (and neither could they, we didn't screw around any more than normal).


Hearts of Iron, the block game. Actually quite simple, though I have a few questions still regarding some of the rules. It definitely displaces Axis of Allies permanently.


Very good a tense game. Not many 3 players games out there either and this is as good as it gets.

Across the Rhine

Not sure why I bought this as there are multiple copies floating around in my group(s). Great game - probably my favorite grand strategic WW2 game although I have some concerns about balance.


Beneficial mainly for strategic thinking, diplomatic skills, and resource management. Very good game for strategy, since the strategic options are wide, the game is positional, and holes in strategy can be punished severely (teaching carefulness, and to secure your own position, which can be very useful in life). It allows direct confrontation of players, which improves strategic abilities the best, I think. But unlike most other such games it doesn't stick to army combat, but expands beyond to diplomacy, economy and science. The game can be possibly won without direct confrontation, which is another strategic option, even if it is only rarely the case. The dynamic of three players is great: it allows for cooperation, and adds another layer of strategy. Yet all these strategic options are well balanced, and not too complex in my experience. And lastly the rules are overall simple, and manageable. I would compare the value of this game to Chess, like I did with Twilight Struggle, but this game being more colorful by teaching more aspects of strategy, and different form of strategy.


Mecánica:8.5 Temática:8 Aspecto/Presencia:8.5 Rejugabilidad:8 Duración: 7.5

Nota: 8.1

Nanoreseña: juego al que seguro que subire nota cuando lo haya probado alguna ocasion mas y se domine.Mucho potencial. Diversion,risas, estrategia y mucho puteo

Viabilidad en solitario:-

(Opinión tras 1 partida)


Brilliant three player game. Best of all ETO games ever bar none. Will always play this.

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