About The Duke: Robert E. Howard Expansion
This expansion to The Duke core game, adds a little literary flair, while still maintaining the major goal of the game, which is to capture the opponent's Duke tile. It introduces four characters take...Read More
A very enjoyable expansion. The tiles are powerful but balanced: Conan is mighty, but can never go back; Kull is a very good General, but limited in his movements; Solomon Kane is a very fun bipolar guy (he's either very calm and useless, or a veritable killing machine), and Dark Agnes is always good (but never spectacular).
As a Duke fan and an REH fan, this baby is heaven for me!
This is again a very straightforward add-on for The Duke. Take four of Howard's beloved Sword & Sorcery heroes and replace standard game tiles, but do a 'draft' as they can prove a bit powerful. I was looking forward to this the most of any of them, and while it's not terribly interesting it is still quite cool to own.
The simplest expansion to the Duke. Easy to integrate and doesn't change the already very good base game too much. All the pieces are fun and Soloman Kane is particularly cool. Even though I wouldn't use this expansion all the time, this is pretty much a must buy for fans of the game especially if you dig Robert E. Howard as well (I do).
Keep checking
interesting little expansion. Some nice new tiles. Wondering if it would be better if both players had them.
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