About The Duke: Musketeers Expansion
This expansion to the The Duke core game, adds a little literary flair, while also changing the winning conditions of the game. It introduces seven characters taken from the Musketeers literary univer...Read More
Straightforward: replace some of the light and dark stained pieces with characters from the Three Musketeers, and Duke it out. Richelieu, de Winter, Athos, Porthos, they're all in here. To win the Musketeers have to nab the Cardinal, or all the Musketeers in play.
Ez az első kieg amit próbáltam. Az alapjáték önmagában is nagyon változatos, sok féle variánsa játszható. A kiegek még rátesznek erre egy lapáttal, hiszen az eltérő kezdőfelállások teljesen más jelleget adnak az egész játéknak, és aszimmetriát + némi tematikát is visznek bele.
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We own three Duke expansions based on literature:
- “The Once and Future King” by T.H. White
- “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas
- “The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood” by Howard Pyle
The Musketeers ranks in the middle. The best part of this expansion is having four light Dukes (the eponymous Musketeers) against one very powerful dark Richlieu Duke.
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