Road Wolf
About Road Wolf
Road Wolf is a free, home made, tabletop, turn based game of highway combat. Players choose vehicles, crew, and components and engage each other in high-speed scenarios on the road. Physical...Read More
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Best "Road Warrior" inspired game ever, but I'm biased :D Get it free here:
An excellent and highly original game. It's more low tech than most road warrior games e.g. Gaslands, and has some really neat ideas. In particular the movement mechanics are inspired. With a little bit of tidying up of the rules, and perhaps some campaign rules where you could build up your gang's equipment and skills, I'd be pretty excited to see this published on Wargame Vault for say $10-15. As it is, in its current free version, you owe it to yourself to give this a go if you have any interest in the genre. Not quite sure why someone here chose to score it a '1' without any comment - seems a little ungracious considering it's a free game.
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