Cthulhu Wars
About Cthulhu Wars
Cthulhu Wars is a strategy boardgame in which the players take the part of alien races and gods taken from the Cthulhu mythos created by H. P. Lovecraft. The game is physically large, and includes six...Read More
Cthulhu Wars Expansions
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Awesome giant sculpts make for epic HP Lovecraft themed Kaiju Battles across the map of planet Earth. I share the same sentiment as most reviews I'd read already, this game is expensive which may make it inaccessible to a lot of gamers. Frankly I dig the excess Sandy Petersen injected in to this gem.
The spine of this game's success is a well-balance asymmetric light warfare system. And the asymmetry between the factions is important and will absolutely impact the way in a player approaches the game.
Rarely does a new player walk away reporting that they think they had played their optimal strategy. I would say it takes a minimum of 2 to 3 games games to begin grappling strategy since each faction has 6 unique spells, 2-3 unique units and unique special abilities for their great old one. All the various permutations of interactions are hard to wrap one's mind around in a single serving. However after your group gets a good grip on the checks and balances designed in to Cthulhu Wars - the mixed motives of each factions really start to shine through and make for a really fun combat-filled gaming experienced.
Currently my favorite game. I love the assymetry, the strategy, the theme, and of course the miniatures. I am looking forward to getting the expansion factions because I want to play some new factions, but close to a perfect game for me.
this one is a staple in my gaming group. I have dozens of plays...i'm just bad at recording them here
An amazing asymmetrical area control game! Quick to learn, easy to play, with plenty of diversity in tactics to always keep it interesting!
One of the best asymmetric games out there and designed to play great at 4-6 (with expansions) which is an incredible feat. Most of the factions are relatively well balanced and offer great variability. If you aren't afraid of the price tag or of the constant aggression the game offers, this is a delight. I highly recommend picking it up with the windwalker expansion off the bat to get a 5 player game in with an excellent beginner faction if this is your type of game.
An excellently balanced asymmetric worker-placement/area-control game.
With a lot of games, learning all the mechanics and interactions and strategies is most of the appeal, with fun plateauing after a half-dozen plays. Experienced players will only play a set of optimal strategies, and the game calcifies.
Cthulhu Wars, however, gets more fun the more you play it, and the more experienced the people you're playing with. After more than thirty sessions, I'm still encountering new strategies and interactions!
The expansions take all that, and ratchet it up by an order of magnitude. Between the High Priests, new factions, new maps, and independent elements, I can't see this game ever outstaying its welcome.
Felt like an overly complicated Chaos in the Old World with some pretty miniatures but nothing really stand out.
Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fear of the Unknown
Everdell: Mistwood
Age of Steam Deluxe: Expansion Volume II