Commands & Colors: Ancients
About Commands & Colors: Ancients
From the designer (about his Commands and Colors system, C&C: Ancients, and Memoir' 44): "Commands & Colors: Ancients depicts warfare from the Dawn of Military History (3000 BC) ...Read More
Commands & Colors: Ancients Expansions
Similar Games to Commands & Colors: Ancients
So much better than Memoir '44 and Battlelore.
[First Impressions] It really seems to be the command & colors system at the top of its form. Still light and easy to play, but with a couple of new elements (namely leaders, evasion maneuvers and the interesting characterization of units) that bring to the system the right amount of strategy and tactics. I need to play it more to confirm the vote, but I think it’s a really good design so far.
I like the wooden blocks. Illustrations are not exactly stunning, the board and the cards are of... well... GMT quality, but there’s nothing to really complain about: everything works just fine.
One play so far, but I love it. Foresee many more plays if I can find a regular opponent.
Finally completed the collection from my far and wide travels :)
Plays and dates estimated.
So interesting, cant have enough of this one.
C&C fills a niche slot - a low complexity , streamlined and enjoyable light war-game. Ancients is more fun to play than other games in the series because of the lack of ranged units which abound in other titles like Battle Cry or Napoleonics.
Ancients feels like the reason the system exists.
Great simplified gaming system. This series is played often and meant to be played fast. It's not that difficult...