About Summoner Wars: Jungle Elves – Second Summoner
The spirit of the jungle rises across the plains... Nikuya Na joins the Summoner Wars as the Jungle Elves' Second Summoner. This Second Summoner deck is a full faction deck with its own Summo...Read More
Same rating as core game.
Additional faction to expand the game options.
Csak Jujugarát kevertem be a régi pakliba, jópofa:) Ehhez a paklihoz újabb jelzők (méreg sérülés) vannak.
My gaming group thinks Nik is just no good, and not even close to worth the trouble to make it work, this seem to be a deck of cards thats better for deck building rather than playing.
So far I would say its just not an all around deck, its brittle and very situational. The economy is so delicate, if you don't watch it you will lose via economy alone.
Really puts the Jungle in Jungle Elves.
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