About 1850jr
An 1830 mini-game for 3 to 6 players designed by AICS LABS. To play 1850 jr you need a copy of the original 1830 game from Avalon Hill. All 1830 rules are in effect, with some modifications.&...Read More
A well thought out 1830-style micro game. Ok, with just 3 Privates, 4 Companies and a map with 20 playable hexes, it isn’t going to offer much by way of variety, but if you want to introduce a new player to 1830 you could do a lot worse. Definitely play with 4.
Cute smaller 1830 variant played on a map of Sicily (yeah, just like 1849, but scaled to have less hexes, even less than 1889, and with no eruption). Instead of red areas there are harbor locations that add 50% to the route value.
A very straight forward 18XX version. Basically 1830 with almost no changes but a smaller map. This makes the game faster but takes nothing away from the original feeling.
Downloaded, printed, & mounted.
One 2-player learning game worked very well with a lot of XX flavor. Will try 3 & 4-player soon.
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