Star Fleet Battles
About Star Fleet Battles
Initial publication of the games in the Star Fleet Battles series. This was one of the first Task Force Games Pocket Games. It was re-implemented and expanded several times after the original "...Read More
Star Fleet Battles Expansions
Similar Games to Star Fleet Battles
Haven't played since I was in high school. I enjoyed the complexity and attention to detail, though it did make the game a bit tedious and long. The sheets for the ships that showed what systems were damaged and what was still working was awesome and was probably my favorite aspect of the game. Duels between a couple ships or very small battles were manageable, but I don't think I could play anything with more than a few ships, even back in high school.
The best tactical starship game! Have been playing since college.
I like this game but it really did not need some of the rules that were added by some of the expansions as they merely cluttered up the game.
Old-school chit combat. I used to like to play the Gorn for their 360 degree, powerful plasma torpedo. Yikes. HUGE rulebook.
Probably have more hours played with this game more than any other. Very deep with agonizing tactical decisions. Don't expect to play a serious game without getting grease pencil smudges all over your forehead.
Best sci-fi boardgame out there, and it really is fun to play. Very technical and requires a good background in the the TV series to best handle the rules. Can be intimidating when looking at the manuals, but it is like D&D and requires patience to learn (and is easily remembered).
It was good to start with and went downhill with each suceeding race and rules expansion. Eventually every race became almost identical and it far outssripped it's original "Star Trek Universe" Stick with the original game and possibly expansions 1&2. Use the battlecard (Code Red?) damage resolution system if you can still find it.
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