About Ploy
This game in the 3M Bookshelf Series has a chess-like feel. Players move different types of pieces on the board, trying to eliminate their opponents or capture the "Commander" (king). As a...Read More
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Similar Games to Ploy
Spock play this.
Ahhhh... memories of playing with dad.
Shields are too powerful. There is too much space on board to run away into. It's a bit "stalemate-ish" with no mechanism to propel the game forward. There are much better games with pieces of differing strengths and movements. One of them is called chess. I wanted to like it as I've heard good things... In the end, I just couldn't.
A chesslike game. Playing pieces move in an interesting way. Brings back childhood memories.
I don't have much interest in Leonard Nimoy or abstracts so this one is not for me.
An ok alternative to Chess variants, but I find it too slow-moving.
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Project L: Collector's Edition