About San Juan: The New Buildings & The Events
Expansion I,The New Buildings The 31 new cards (26 violet buildings and 5 factories), are shuffled with the cards from the basic game. Expansion II, The Events: 6 different event card...Read More
This one is a good expansion. It brings more variety to the base game without altering the rules too much or adding layers of unwanted complexity.
This adds new flavor to San Juan. If you are new to the game, wait before putting these in. When the game starts to feel a little stale, add them.
Neat add!
Required to balance out the game.
Csak neten próbáltam... A világot nem váltja meg a kieg, de bővíti a lehetőségeket.
Same rating as base. New buildings are good, especially the customs house. Haven't tried the events yet.
This expansion brings more balance to the base game. The Cathedral building helps off-set the bad luck that someone can have from not drawing any 6-cost buildings
More good cards for a good game.