Heroscape Expansion Set: Jandar's Oath
About Heroscape Expansion Set: Jandar's Oath
Jandar's Oath is the third Small Expansion Set (wave 3) in the HeroScape series. There are 4 booster packs: Kilts & Commandos Gorillas & Hounds Monks &...Read More
See [i]HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie.[/i]
[i]Location: Basement (Stairs)[/i]
AKA the Shadowfist Expansion.
Cyborg Monkeys. Shao-lin Monks. Excellent.
Plus, one of the regulars in my group (and an old buddy from college) is named John Sullivan. He's a HUGE Shadowfist fan. And likes guns. This expansion was made for him.
Haven't played with them yet... too many expansions, so little time! I like the Gorillas, tho.
Wheee. More figures for Heroscape! (See other comments on the expansions...)
a mixed bag in this expansion. the flying units are great and the bounty hunter looks awesome. The monks are just another in a line of 'your misses = their hits' or some sort of twist like that. Good expansion.
Some of the nicest pieces out of the entire game, I am a sucker for the nice pieces.
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