About Brügge: Die Haustiere
Brügge: Die Haustiere is a mini-expansion for the Bruges strategy game. It was sold at Spiel '14 in Essen for €4.5 Content: - 17 Pet cards - 5 Majority markers (one...Read More
Abstract: Mini-Expansion for Bruges by Stefan Feld. Adds new "person" cards and a new category of majority markers.
- New majority markers for having the most pets
- Players can have one pet and one person in a house
- Pets can be used for threats
Pets do not count as persons (it is a new category, pets do not count towards the person majority)
Pets have a higher point rate than persons
Pets have no abilities likes all other person cards
Watchdog from the base game is not considered a pet...
The back side of the pet cards is different (it is on purpose, I am still wondering why)
- In relation to the overall deck, there are only a few pet cards. Activating the new majority marker is easy, if you are the first one who gets a pet card.
Thoughts: Neat expansion, no recommendation.
Player: 2-4 (best: 3-4) | Time: 60m
有的话还是加上,规则会有点小调整,也有第一奖励的四分,主要是扩充了牌库,不会结束得那么快了 虽然动物没有能力,但是买动物的话,可以用更少的钱买到更多的分,且不会单独占用一个房子,有时候还是值得买的
English and German version
mint in shrink
0500 NEW
Picked it up at Essen not really knowing what it was. Now that I've read it, I can't say I'm that interested, partially because you can easily identify the animal cards thanks to their unique backs in the draw pile, and partially because of just how it changes the game.
Cascadia: Landmarks
Inventions: Evolution of Ideas
Darwin's Journey