About Terraforming Mars
In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the oc...Read More
Terraforming Mars Expansions
Similar Games to Terraforming Mars
EXPANSIONS: Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium (2017) Terraforming Mars: Venus Next (2017) Terraforming Mars: Prelude (2018) Terraforming Mars: Colonies Terraforming Mars: Turmoil Terraforming Mars: BIG BOX (Kickstarter2021)
PROMO CARDS: Terraforming Mars: Penguins Promo Card (2017) Terraforming Mars: Self Replicating Robots Promo Card (2017) Terraforming Mars: Snow Algae Promo Card (2017) Terraforming Mars: Small Asteroid Promo Card (2016) Terraforming Mars: BGG User-Created Corporation Pack (2018)
ACCESSORIES: Acrylic Overlays (4+1) Terraforming Mars: Metal Cubes Terraforming Mars: Start Player BGG Marker Upgrade
PLAYER MATTS: Elysium: Terraforming Mars Hellas: Terraforming Mars Tharsis: Terraforming Mars
Rating based on one play. Great fun game that had depth, but felt like you were actually achieving something!
Very solid mid weight euro that can occasssionally outstay it's welcome but otherwise allows for several strategies and has great replayability thanks to the plethora of cards. It is also perhaps a good example of a game where additional expansions which add new rules (rather than just more of the same content) do not necessarily improve the game. It’s not that the expansions are bad it’s just that for occasional players like me there is too much re-learning involved and, in truth, the base game is more than good enough (although I think Prelude is essential)
Everything perfect, expect the materials...
favourite game; love the theme October 2019 (Spiel Essen)
Game in Club. Great game! This rate is used with Prelude and Colonies expansions. It could work for any player amount, however personally 3-4 players is great, 5 players might be too long without Prelude and game can be long in anyways, if players aren't familiar in this game or analysis is used long during turns. Prelude is must-have expansion. Colonies and Hellas & Elysium are good also. Venus is not so necessary, it just adds one more tracker and cards. Turmoil adds varying global situations and might be good for experienced players, but not for new players.
Building your engine in this game is so much fun. There are so many different strategies that you can try, and the cards really dictate the course of the game. I would say that drafting is a must.
Solo gameplay is great. CO-OP we played 12 generations with 12 starting income and the need to terraform completely. That was a lot of fun!
Location: MSK
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Heat: Heavy Rain