High Frontier Lite
About High Frontier Lite
High Frontier Lite is a streamlined version of the game High Frontier. The actions and movement in the game are simplified, but the game also uses new mechanics, simulating the planets orbits. The aim...Read More
High Frontier Lite Expansions
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I am developing this title. It will be a different game as compared to what is written in the description although some elements of the original Zubrin's design might be preserved. Rating based on my personal experience with the prototype, excluding the lack of quality components. The rating will probably increase during the design process when certain quality gates are met. The overall rating will only be possible if (ever) I see a pre-printed components and graphical design from SMG. I hope for getting 9 but time will tell. EDIT: with the new live travel system and the thematic event cards the rating grew up. EDIT: abandoned when the 4th edition of HF came.
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