About Apotheca
Players craft potions in a secret marketplace. Hide ingredients to deceive opponents, and use magical powers to mix concoctions. But beware - your opponents are brewing schemes of their own! ...Read More
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Similar Games to Apotheca
*Rating based on one play with four players.
Apotheca is a very light puzzle game. It is a very short game (at least with 4), too short in fact. The game felt like we had barely gotten into the game and then it was over. I think I had maybe 3-4 turns before it ended. A fellow player who has more experience with the game mentioned that he had learned you need to play the game more defensively, rather than going straight after scoring opportunities, so maybe that would lengthen the game a bit and make it a more enjoyable experience.
That said, I'm not sure there's enough interesting about this game for me to want to come back to it. It's a mostly abstract game with very little theme to it, and the gameplay is very simple and doesn't do anything novel. It might make a decent gateway game for new gamers, but I think there are better games for that purpose. The components are nice, except for the handful of mis-sized tiles, which do have a minor impact on gameplay.
Buy from one of the Malay friend from BG2G as he mentioned he need funding to cure his dad's illness. But sadly I still seeing him buy new games from other >.<
Anyway, this is a very nice short game that has very high replayability. Tic-tac-toe concept and support by the apothecary's skill (similar with Santorini). very fine printing game too.
Interesting mechanic, set collection game
sleeved - UP tarot
The artwork, theme and presentation really makes the game standout. A well thought out puzzle/strategy game that is easy to pick up and learn.
[Solo play]
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