About Arcadia Quest: Frost Dragon
The Frost Dragon is an expansion for both Arcadia Quest, and Arcadia Quest inferno. The game comes with a large Dragon Mini, new loot cards, new tiles and the new type of cards, "Dragons...Read More
Interesting twist on the PvPvE of the base game. The first part of the encounter was a lot of fun for our group and a good wrap up as everyone had great items and kept murdering each other or causing the dragon to splash attacks into groups of other heroes. The Cooperative part went terribly though as the dragon flipped a card, jumped to a location, and immediately killed off our heavy hitters. We'll be better prepared with our next dragon encounter, but the results of the quick loss didn't leave a positive impression nor give us time to really experience much of the cooperative experience.
Not that challenging.
I expect if the players get good at a coop game, they should win 40-60% of the time. This game has a win rate closer to 80-90%.
Nice to have the option for coop, but it's too easy to be rated higher.
¡Un dragón atacando Arcadia! La "miniatura" tiene gran calidad y cuando la colocas en el tablero se ve como un gran reto. Las mecanicas y el turno del dragón hacen que pelear contra él sea una experiencia diferente y fresca en comparación de la campaña.
Inventions: Evolution of Ideas