Rise of Tribes
About Rise of Tribes
In ancient prehistoric times, you have discovered a new land with plentiful lakes, mountains and forests (and apparently many stone rocks that shall be called dice). Your people can develop new things...Read More
Rise of Tribes Expansions
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Rise of tribes is a game in which you roll two dice and choose your actions. I love how this game is simple but yet has a lot of depth. I think this will hit the table a lot more.
Simple and short game with interesting dice placement action selection mechanics. It is light and a bit random, but plays in 30min to 60min so this is not a problem.
Beautiful components. Great game play.
A strong game if you're looking for something straightforwards/easy to teach even to non-boardgamers, but still with a surprising amount of replayability and depth.
Very light game that has been growing on me, so may raise rating. The area control aspect is so interesting that it makes me want to keep on playing, even though I do feel it's super-swingy and lucky. It's pretty short though, so that might be okay, and it's a nice game to introduce people to some common mechanisms.
I have the Deluxe/KS edition of this game.