It's Just A Theory
About It's Just A Theory
Have you noticed patterns that conventional media does not explain? Do you want to know who is pulling the strings behind global decisions? Then It's Just A Theory is the game for you. In this fast-pa...Read More
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Great game that really gets your imagination going and certainly can results in some laughs along the way
Looks interesting. Really like to give this a try.
Was part of play test for this game. Had so much fun!! Really look forward to it being released in it's final form! :)
Fantastic game, different every time.
In a world of Wikileaks, Donald Drumpf, Shillary Clinton, Brexit and the rising price of a Freddo in the average British high street.
One game stands alone.
7.5 (rounded up to an 8) as I played an early alpha copy of the game and im sure there is some finalization to be done. Strong stuff so far however. Very similar to the core mechanic present in once upon a time and cards against humanity with a fast pace and current event leaning focus, 2016 election consipracy theories show up quite a lot, but with good scope to be generalised to other historical eras and to make connections between major events in different eons.
My once concern and hope for future development is that the game should not stray too close to the precipice of brash humour. Restraint, whit and subtely are the master tools of satire rather than repeatadly playing the Hitler card. The alpha deck I played had a good variety of cards to prevent this fate and hopefully this will continue as development progresses. I think the devs will have a fine balancing act to keep the game widely accessible ( I honestly has to google what HAARP was, loving the HP lovecraft references however.), while maintaining its current penchant for pseudo-scientific-historical witty banter.
Visual style is nicely coherent, although i notice the artwork on the deck I was given differs somewhat from that present on the comapnies website so I guess thats in flux.
All in all a solid addition to the genre, signed up for the mailing list and looking forward to the kickstarter.