John Campbell's Classic Harness Racing
About John Campbell's Classic Harness Racing
From the tube... ".. a game which truly simulates real harness racing. You control your horse's speed, decide when to make your move and make all of the other decisions. Your driving skill ...Read More
John Campbell's Classic Harness Racing Expansions
Similar Games to John Campbell's Classic Harness Racing
Including cards there are almost 300 pieces and no accomodation for storage after you open the cellophane packaged cards. I made four small boxes from 100 wt linen paper.
There is a good game hidding here. I think I have found it. With a few easy changes to the components and rules I now have a good game in the tube.
I like this game, but I like almost all racing themed games. This game's mechanic is very similar to the later but more popular Turf Master. There is not as much connection to the theme of Harness Racing as there could and should be. You try to use all of your available movement and cause your opponents to waste their available movement.Random adjustments to your available movement are made by drawing cards twice in a race.
After a few plays I believe that this game needs to be played with all 12 horses. With 6 horses the players can easily avoid the pitfalls that make the game interesting. I have made several House rules which are in the Forum section of this game. I have also made changes to the play surface which makes a big improvement. This is also described in the Forum of this game. Soon I'll add some pictures.
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