Western Legends
About Western Legends
Historic characters from the American Wild West face off and write new legends across the face of history! Gather your gun, your mount, and your grit as you forge your path into the history books. ...Read More
Western Legends Expansions
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[IMG]https://cf.geekdo-static.com/mbs/mb_17587_1.png[/IMG] KICKSTARTER
INCLUDES: Core Game Fistful of Extras Expansion (All Unlocked Stretch Goals) The Good the Bad & the Handsome Expansion ESTIMATED DELIVERY Aug 2018 Actual Delivery Sept 2018
Wife likes it so far so I guess it’s a win. Honestly I have mixed opinions on it. Currently it feels dry and mechanical. Maybe after a few more plays we will grease up the wheels and get things rolling. Our first game took 3 hours.
Rating based on 1 play with six players, which was fun, but there was a little too much downtime for most of us. 4-5 players would seem ideal. Loved the sandbox feel and the way all the different western aspects are blended in so fantastically.
Ante Up Carbine Promo Cards Fistful of Extras The Good, the Bad and the Handsome The Man in Black - Multiplayer Variant Promo Cards Wild Bunch of Extras
We all agreed it was worth the money and the owner promptly sold it.
W/ Ante Up Expansion
With all expansions (waiting for the big box storage solution)
Sandbox Western game that is a bit to unwieldy and messy, but great at capturing theme.
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