Little Town
About Little Town
In Little Town, you lead a team of architects and must dispatch workers to the town, collect resources and money, build buildings, and develop this little town. In the game, which lasts four ...Read More
Little Town Expansions
Similar Games to Little Town
This might be my go-to intro Euro / WP / conversion game. The variety of tiles and goal cards is a big plus. Highly recommend as a family style game.
This is a wonderful family game that has you building together with other players and using each other's buildings for mutual benefit. Little Town has plenty of friendly interaction (and some mean blocking) and a spatial puzzle that is thinkier than it first appears. Surprised it is so underrated.
5 plays / 3 players
LIKE: I was expecting a simple, light family game. It was light, but TIGHT, and there was a bit more to the game than we expected. I liked the maneuvering of buildings on the board, it altered the valuation of different worker locations, so turn order became important. There are enough buildings in the game to give some variety from game to game. The gameplay is light enough so we could chat while playing.
DISLIKE: There were a few edge-case rules that could have been clearer in the rulebook (for example, the use of the word YOUR in the castle). For two players, I suspect it needs a tighter map. For 4 players, only 3 workers are used, thus a much tighter game, and some comments on BGG lead me to feel the food sources may not have been balanced enough for scaling (need verification).
OVERALL: Nice. Better than I expected, and a worthy quick game even with heavy gamers, because there is a bit of competition. Could be one of those low-rules, deep-thinking games, but I'm not sure how deep it gets with repeated plays. Does the expansion add another layer? It could use another map, too.
UPDATE: We played with random buildings, it was quite fun. We play vicious, we block each other with wheat buildings. Possibly GOTY 2022, for me?
Similar games: Harvest. Someone mentioned Feudality, but nicer.
It is very easy to explain and play. Turns go by quickly as you either gather resources and activate adjacent buildings (incl. diagonal) or you build a building (which costs resources and scores you points). All is well on that count - until you realize a player has controlled the critical spots on the board leaving you to pay to play and generally a step behind. So it's ok and well conceived, but has the feeling of not being able to catch up in the last round.
Nettes schlankes Worker Playment
The shared infrastructure and quick playing time sets Little Town apart from the average worker placement/resource management euro game of this weight.
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