Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition
About Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition
In the multiplayer puzzle game Railroad Ink, your goal is to connect as many exits on your board as possible. Each round, a set of dice are rolled in the middle of the table, determining which kind of...Read More
Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition Expansions
Similar Games to Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition
Rating based on 1 play. Awesome design and a lot of fun network builder.
This seems to be great game for group plays as well as duel. I enjoy this every time and expansions are great, especially I like lake.
Very interesting, enjoyable game.
Simple premise is quick to explain. Almost no setup. Has a nice tile-placement feel. The gameplay experience is think-y and a little frustrating. Lots of analysis paralysis which gets worse as the game progresses.
Love this new roll and write!
So zen, and so portable. A great coffee game.
Decent game, reminds me of playing Pipemania back in the day. Purely a solo experience, unless you enjoy waiting for other players as they struggle with AP.
02-03-2020 (39)
Wandering Towers
Codenames: Pictures
Imperium: Legends
The White Castle