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Railroad Revolution: Railroad Evolution

Expansion for: Railroad Revolution
What's Your Game?
Railroad Revolution: Railroad Evolution
BGG Overall Ranking
2-4 players
Best: 4
3.6 / 5
45-90 min
Playing Time

About Railroad Revolution: Railroad Evolution

Railroad Evolution is an expansion for Railroad Revolution. Welcome back to Railroad Revolution! New opportunities are calling, giving you another way for you to enjoy the game. The ...Read More



Base game is a bit broken because there is one dominant strategy. The expansion is designed to fix that, but it is hard to get.


An essential expansion in my opinion as this completes what feels like a nearly-finished product. The new board overhauls the Western Union section by making it a non-dominant strategy while still giving it great meaning. Additional cars to add to the trains opens up a plethora of new options. The expansion also rounds out the end game by giving you the ability to acquire end game scoring tiles and spend points on you would normally use on moving your progress marker to increase the value of your end game scoring tiles instead.


Very enjoyable evolution of Railroad Revolution (in case you are unaware, the original game is super broken if you just do Western Union). This game nerfs Western Union, ties WU union bonuses to the rail building (which was often ignored), and creates a variable setup in points which wasn't there in the base game. Also, adding the wagons and the interactive bonus multipliers for the upgrades makes it a much more interesting game. Way better, and this frankly is what the game should have been in the first place.


Excellent. This is what the game should have always been, and now that it's here, I can't wait to play it again.


In with base game