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Roll Player Adventures

Thunderworks Games
Roll Player Adventures
BGG Overall Ranking
1-4 players
Best: 2
2.4 / 5
90-150 min
Playing Time

About Roll Player Adventures

Your Roll Player characters have been called to adventure! In Monsters & Minions, you went to war against Dragul invaders. In Fiends & Familiars, you befriended wild beasts and dispelled cruel...Read More

Roll Player Adventures Expansions

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This is a fun fail forward choose your own adventure game. It isn't perfect, but it is fun. I like the little dice puzzles for challenges, even though they all start to feel a bit 'samey'. There are some areas we ran in to where failing felt pretty punishing.

An important note, I really don't see playing this more than once. The story is pretty much known at that point. We are only part way through and I estimate it at ~20 hours of play. So at $100 that is $5/hour, which isn't bad. It can totally be handed off to someone else as no components are altered or destroyed.


Had high expectations for this game and they were surpassed. It hits every sweet spot, writing is top notch, gameplay is fun, production is amazing.


Initial impressions after first adventure. Intrigued to see how the game builds upon itself.


Overall enjoyable but the gameplay gets stale and the writing is okay at best so it was missing tension and excitement a lot of times. Also the main plot was very weak.


My wife and I are playing through the campaign for the first time. The story is immersive and we're enjoying the challenge. My main criticism would be it is difficult at times to tell what color is being asked for in a combat or skill check. The first time we did an INT/WIS check I saw what looked like all white dice, but the Intelligence dice are white with a blue border. On the combat cards the Int dice are shown as solid blue, but are a very dark blue and can be mistaken for black. Red and purple are very easy to mix up too. My wife and I are not color blind and find ourselves double checking things based on the type of check (INT is blue, DEX is black for example). Both of my sons are color blind and the Roll Player game as appealing as it would be to them, we did discover they have issues distinguishing the colors. Cartographers took a step forward by adding a symbol for each color so it was possible for them to focus on village instead of red for example.

All of the previous Roll Player games are competitive, I had hoped that the coop version would make this easier. I can certainly help outline what is needed, but I'm sure my sons would be frustrated with their hand of cards.

I really like this game. Given past editions of Roll Player and knowing it was not friendly to color blind players, I knew what I was getting into when I backed this. Still I hope Thunderworks Games changes the color palette at some point as the Roll Player line of games seems to be here to stay.


Played 3 adventures so far, and the kids and I are thoroughly enjoying ourselves. Everyone's engaged with the game and the addition of the expansion - which gives each player their own unique backstory - adds to that. Great game!

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