Project L
About Project L
Build pieces, develop an engine, perfect your strategy, and win the game! Project L is a fast-paced, tile-matching brain burner with triple-layer 3D puzzles and lovely acrylic pieces. Challen...Read More
Project L Expansions
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Fun tactile engine builder. Great filler. Played with Ghost pieces, which are a welcome addition.
pretty harmless, the kids like it, it's a casual mostly non-competitive game that plays quickly, looks good on the table and everyone likes the tactile nature of it
Traded Gulf, Mobile, and Ohio for this.
$30 base + $15 per expansion pack; All Expansions and Kickstarter stuff
This is a less-interesting [thing=230802][/thing], but the sheer accessibility and beautiful presentation make for a compelling package anyways.
In Project L, you're gaining pieces of different levels in order to fill tetris-style 'projects' that will score you points at the end of the game. Completing projects will gain you extra bonus pieces, which you can then use to continue filling more projects, and a large 'master action' allows you to fill pieces in all of your currently-active projects. That's about it as far as rules!
Project L is part of the 'take-and-make' genre that Azul is the best-known member of. I'd definitely rather play Azul as the piece drafting from the factories is much more interesting. Project L really features almost no interaction at all, but the rules overhead is so light that it's a good choice for folks who just want to sit around, look at a pretty game and maybe chat the whole time.
That's not really me, but I can respect that some folks want to game that way.
[BGCOLOR=#CC99FF] [b]5.0[/b] [/BGCOLOR] is a good rating for this game. Dang, it just kind of makes me want to just play [thing=230802][/thing] again, though.
Jun '22: Rated 5 Dec '24: Rated 4
With finesse expansion
Very fun game that we can play with anyone. All we need to do now is track down a copy!
Clever polyomino-based engine-builder although, in my limited plays, I never could quite get the engine whirring to the extent I wanted.
It's likely this game could be played at a higher level with much greater optimization than what I could finagle but, unless you're really taken by the tetris-like theme, the game does becomes mundane quickly and it's hard to get those repeated plays in.
Best at 3-4
I like the puzzle - this delivers exactly what is expected. It is extremely brief, ends suddenly, and has nearly zero interaction - beyond sniping recipe cards. Love the tactile experience. But over all, not something I would rush to - because the solo aspect of play and the simplicity of the experience. One play and you've seen it all.
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