Era: Medieval Age
About Era: Medieval Age
Era: Medieval Age serves as the spiritual successor to Roll Through The Ages. While Roll Through The Ages was a pioneer for roll-and-write-style games, Era is a pioneer for roll-and-build! In...Read More
Era: Medieval Age Expansions
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Really cool components. Add some tactility that would have been missing if it were just cardboard jigsaw pieces. Wish they went the extra step and coloured the player board to make it easier to see what resources you have. Deep down, it is just a roll and write, but the puzzle of arranging your buildings and light engine building element is just interesting enough to make it stand out. There is some very mean take-that in the game though. It made me sad when my opponents constantly rained fireballs on my land, permanently preventing me from building on it.
With river and roads Expansions
Solid, fun little game, but it’s dice based so it can be a little swingy. Too long to be considered a filler, tho it's only 40 minutes. But it's got filler kind of energy if that makes sense.really only interesting after you buy all the pieces.
Overproduced and some how still ugly roll and write. The fact that there are plastic buildings instead of dry erase sheets and pens creates a far bigger problem than the tripling of the cost, THERE AREN'T ENOUGH! If some players want to go after a similar strategy it comes down to who is lucky enough to compete their plan first rather than better, leaving their opponent with an unfinished engine not because they did something wrong, just because their "plastic pen" run out... Sometimes the game feels like it's playing you rather that you playing it (not to such a degree as others). Cheater's promised land.
超主观点评: 1、不错的赌狗骰子游戏,规则也简单,比较适合推新。 2、假3d拼图+引擎构筑(模型是立体的,但是拼法是平面的,把建筑种到地上去的时候还蛮有喜感的),但是建筑涂装后确实好看,玩得很舒服。虽然有拼图元素,但是只要不是非常手残,都是能拼好的,引擎构筑和一丢丢运气才是获胜的关键。 3、文明类的游戏元素该有的都有了(例如书本、瘟疫、饥荒等),体验比较完整。 小心得: 1、想要赢,大城必不可少(城内建筑分数翻倍,而且最大的城市还有额外分数)。但是长城墙的数量有限,所以争取在早期先把城墙建起来。 2、木材厂很强,早期最好抢一抢。因为几乎所有建筑都需要木头,所以每回合固定提供2个木头还不占人口数的木材厂收益很高。 3、刀和盾看情况来,如果大家都玩刀,那么可能会碰到没东西可以抢的情况(玩家的资源空了就没法抢了)哈哈哈! 玩法: 投掷自己所有的骰子,出现骷髅面的不能重投,别的最多可以重投2次。根据骰面获取资源,建造建筑。当有5中建筑被全部建完的时候游戏结束(4人局)。分数高的玩家获胜。
Chunky little buildings locking into a lego-like board (whose visibility is thankfully improved with the must-use stickers now included in the game) go a long way to make this "roll and build" pretty special. The chunky dice are lovely and not as penalizing as dice in other games. There's a lot of complexity in building abilities and relations, too, making this a little harder to teach, but sufficiently satisfying and engaging once you have the rules down. That you get a pretty little city at game's end, with so many different ways to earn you points, makes for a satisfying conclusion. Forget points, whose village looks most like one you'd like to visit? Alright, alright, points are important. Bonus that the game remains playable and fun even if you disregard the "sword rattling" resource-stealing element, though that definitely adds some more challenge and unpredictability.
E4 Back
I get it - a roll & write without the writing. Yay. Woot. It's still Roll Through the Ages. I mean, it literally is, just with 3d pieces. Yay. Woot.
And no thanks.
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