About Escape Plan: Upgrade Pack
The Escape Plan Upgrade Pack is a bundle of extras from the Escape Plan Kickstarter campaign. Contents: 9 Metal Locker Keys Player Power Expansion featuring 10 Pla...Read More
KS May - nice to have but hardly essential.Some useful new tiles and cards.
The only materials I stopped using are the acrylic cubes...they're beautiful but it's hard to match them to the player colours during scoring.
Missions: I haven't fallen in love with them yet. They seem very hard to achieve, but with almost no bonus for doing so.
Starting Powers: So much fun! They get you out of your comfort zone and force you to try new strategies.
Math Traded away at Origins 2022
Recomendable para mejorar la experiencia de juego
Some more new tiles and cards (special powers). Some component upgrade: transparent income cubes, metal keys, pawns for Sandra and Costa, a Contact cards display board.
Unconscious Mind
It's a Wonderful World: Leisure & Decadence
Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City