About Cthulhu Wars: Bubastis
Expansion Cthulhu Wars Bubastis Faction. Note that this faction has no acolytes nor a high priest! Add-ons: Gold Cat battle dice Neutral unit identifier rings&...Read More
Awful Kickstarter, awful. It put me off any future Kickstarter projects. It’s been a long road down for this company from the lofty heights of Cthulhu Wars. Most of these expansions actually detract from the core product, avoid them. It will be difficult for me to trust this designer again, regardless who publishes his games.
if u like cats , seems like a trol class
Not bad for a joke faction.
After 6 games playing them, we removed them definitively from the game. It does not fit the game at all as it does not play with gates and area control game design but mostly Cat Napping destroys the whole game for everybody as it cannot be prevented. It literally ruins the game balance and strategic aspect of the game to become a blind take that. The community variant doesn't really fix anything (we played with it 5 times out of the 6). I would say original version of the Cats is 1/10, the silver cat version would be 2/10 and remains utterly broken - we played it several times. The core problem is Catnapping that still totally breaks the game balance and the core game concepts to a point that it ruins the game purpose for the entire table.
Haven't played as them personally, but played against them online. Not much fun, you can definitely tell they were an April Fool's joke. Other factions don't have a means to screw back with them. I won't be buying this faction.
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