Wings for the Baron
About Wings for the Baron
Wings for the Baron is a game of designing and manufacturing World War I aeroplanes. It uses cards to represent the various aeroplane technnologies and random events of the period. The mecha...Read More
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This seems like a game where the strategy is overwhelmed by a few die rolls or not drawing the right cards. Perhaps there are subtle strategies but it just felt random. Rating it higher than a three b/c I might be willing to try again.
Rating -- Indifferent/Avoid
Based on observation of, and participation in, playtest games, this gets a big thumbs-up from me. Should have a good playing time (under an hour, depending on number of players), and has some interesting mechanisms. Enough chance to keep things unpredictable, enough choice to keep the game challenging and different.
Here's hoping for the success it deserves.
Enjoyed my one game, maybe one more but no more. Very luck base.
Far and away the BEST WWI aeroplane building game I have ever played.
The theme works brilliantly with the game mechanics. Play is quick and smooth, with players/aircraft manufacturers rising and falling as innovations come and go.
Prototype - nice and clever game with some backstabbing and a significant luck element. You really should avoid rolling lowly. However I like it very much and appreciate the effort Dave hat put into this baby. I hope it finds a publisher soon!
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