Dragon Scary-go-round
About Dragon Scary-go-round
This is a fun cooperative game in which archers work together to defeat the circling dragon, while avoiding the ghosts. Reduce the dragon's life to zero before it injures an archer or your run ou...Read More
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Similar Games to Dragon Scary-go-round
Family friendly coop game, you play as archers and will be trying to kill the dragon while running away from ghosts.
Movement mechanism of the dragon and ghosts made this game exciting as you wouldn't want to caught by ghosts after you strategically positioned yourself to shoot the dragon, let the dragon move too fast or get caught in dragon fire (all losing conditions)
Can easily play 4 handed if solo. Hard mode can be an interesting open information fun puzzle to solve.
A fun coop game, great to bring out to a game night and easy to teach. Lots of communication opportunities will be presented in this game.
An excellent cooperative game for kids or families.
Working as a team and planning a head a little is the different between a smooth win and flailing or losing. That's exactly how a coop for kids should be---it drives home the need for cooperation.
My 7-year-old son found it a bit boring, but he didn't want to try a higher difficulty. 2-player on 'easy' without the bonus action cards really is extremely easy. I recommend starting at 'normal', so that you can't win from a single firing position. A higher player count might also fix that.
The rulebook is clear and well-written.
As an adult gamer, I found the game too easy and repetitive between plays. But it was somewhat fun to figure out how to win the game solo with all hands face up.
for families: 7/10 for solo gaming: 5/10
Fun little game, easy to learn and a lot of fun to play
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