BattleTech Science Fiction Combat Book Game: GRF-1N Griffin
Nova Game Designs
BGG Overall Ranking
2 players
Best: 2+
0.0 / 5
10 min
Playing Time
About BattleTech Science Fiction Combat Book Game: GRF-1N Griffin
Based on the fantasy Lost Worlds game books (but incompatible with the Lost Worlds series). Each player uses a book and a stat sheet that represent their 'mech. By giving your opponent your book, and ...Read More
BattleTech Science Fiction Combat Book Game: GRF-1N Griffin Expansions
Similar Games to BattleTech Science Fiction Combat Book Game: GRF-1N Griffin
Too bad they only published 6 mechs. I own one each of Locust, Warhammer, and Wasp, and two each of Rifleman, Shadow Hawk, and Griffin.
The game still holds up in 2023! It may be a bit more complicated than the standard Lost Worlds books, but dang is this whole combat book system such a classic design, and it deserves a lot more attention!
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