Mosaic: A Story of Civilization
About Mosaic: A Story of Civilization
Mosaic: A Story of Civilization is a Civilization-Building game from Glenn Drover, designer of, among others, Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery, Railways of the World, Sid Meier's Civilization:...Read More
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I love Civ games and games with maps and cards. Although this doesn't have a strong Civ feel and has more of a deck builder feel, it's great fun to play. Love the asymmetry and the different strategies possible with the different leaders.
A bit boring concept of a overbloathed area control game. Engine building is a somewhat small part in this game.
Simply too long for what it is. Even on multiple plays so that there aren't any rules questions, the back half of the game just drags out - and the game doesn't really 'develop' towards the end of the game like some other engine builders or 4x games do. The only really different feeling part of the game is the initial draft/setup - after that, it's just sorta the same thing for the entire playtime, which doesn't really lock in well with the theme, at least how I would like.
Este juego tiene dos grandes problemas, el setup es un horror, tener que plantar 100+ fichas para luego retirar la mitad... Creo que había mejores soluciones. Y luego el final... No se a quién se le ocurrió meter dos cartas de puntuación del imperio en el mazo de Aranceles y en el de Población (que son los mazos que menos se utilizan) y que se necesite una de ellas para terminar la partida. Ajustando esto último es un juego de 7
Terribly underwhelming for such a huge production. You select actions, collect sets of symbols, and jockey for majority in regions. The set collection is mind-numbingly loose and lacking in theme. End game is triggered by emptying the various decks and drags on too long.
It's a sprawling civ game with color issues for me - telling the city and town tokens apart on such a busy board is a misery. The later turns seemed dull as well as the decision space closed down in how to score. It has mean aspects at times - hate drafting as well as some conflict for scoring. It is an area control game over all with loads of cards and scoring lanes. I enjoyed it albeit was too long (even though not that long?) for what it game back. Not bad over all.
It's just plain boring, I'm sorry to say. Not worth the price. Worth one play through, however.
This is only feedback from one game. It feels like a good game but I don’t know that the 9 pillars are really balanced. I played as the general and man that military engine can generate some monster empire scoring. In two of the three rounds I controlled every area and that seems like a lot.
In fairness I didn’t look at the other pillars/leaders, I just have difficulty imagining them being anywhere as efficient as I found the general to be. Man I hope I’m wrong because I love almost everything else about this game. It will land between 7 and 9 for me, can’t clear 10 because there isn’t enough money to play with and that’s a huge oversight.
Played second game as the Artist and this game has better balance than I thought. Tho the half point off is due to military rush being so much better than other choices especially if folks just let you have all the military cards.
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