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Tiny Epic Dungeons

Gamelyn Games
Tiny Epic Dungeons
BGG Overall Ranking
1-4 players
Best: 2
3.1 / 5
30-60 min
Playing Time

About Tiny Epic Dungeons

Tiny Epic Dungeons is a fully co-operative dungeon crawler for 1 to 4 players set in the fantasy world of Aughmoore. In Tiny Epic Dungeons, players control a band of Heroes exploring a treach...Read More

Tiny Epic Dungeons Expansions

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Nice dungeon crawler in small box that have a good amount of replayability, thanks for many characters, especially with the expansion. But I didn't enjoy much, many icons to check and the game itself is too difficult for my taste. I would play such as Gloomhaven instead.


Backed it on kickstarter, but seriously disappointed in the final product. You spend most of the game relentlessly fighting what boils down to the same enemy while exploring completely dull rooms and collecting completely random loot. The dice mechanic is interesting, but the majority of the game is just tedious. Bottom tier of the Tiny Epic series.


After plenty of games, alone or with another player, I can say that this game isn't great.


  • Successfuly delivers the RPG experience of exploring, killing monster and looting their cold body.
  • Decent variety both of enemies and loot.
  • Most drawings are nice.
  • Cool miniatures.
  • Very tiny box and cool miniatures ^^


  • Poorly written ruleset. It was hard to figure out certain things or find information cause of poor structure and formatting. It's a 20 pages rulebook for a supposedly "tiny" game. Consider at least 45 min of reading and 3 games to get the real picture.
  • Very hard cause of balancing issues (see below), rules & mechanics being hard to understand, no difficulty modes and power heavily relying on lucky loot.
  • Some rules are counter-intuitive and frustrating. Few exemples : -> No reward from unused dices on a failure (you can heal or repleanish Focus with unused dices on successes). Very punishing. -> Enemies' attacks ignore defense. Purely a balance trick.
  • Balance issues among Heroes, Spells and Items. Also, Potions have a double price (Focus/kill an enemy PLUS something bad happen depending on the potion).
  • Low dungeon room variety + low enemy effects diversity.

Note : I have both expensions.


My favorite in the series.


Muy pocos tipos de goblins en la caja base. Lo bueno de la variabilidad es cambiar de personajes, pero los escenarios no cambian prácticamente y los enemigos son casi lo mismo. No está mal el juego, pero me esperaba algo más. Jugué unas pocas partidas, pero luego ya prefería otros juegos que tenía frente a este, como por ejemplo Aeon's End o Maquis. Lo jugué siempre en solitario.


Favorite coop experience of the tiny epics


There is a HUGE amount of thinky play in this tiny package! The rules and icons might seem daunting at first but they are very easy to understand over time, and they are surprisingly ironclad given the number of moving parts.

Once you realize that the game is a "roguelike" and that every single decision counts, it becomes a wonderful solo puzzle (if you're playing by yourself like I am), and somehow the theme still comes through: all your weapons and gear and spells mesh into groovy combos that you can totally picture in an RPG game. Add in all the different heroes, minions, and bosses, and the replayability goes through the roof. And that's without the expansion stuff!

I'm surprised by the depth of play, the brain-hurtiness, the theme, and the sheer fun of this game. It's funny that my dungeon crawler of choice would come in such a tiny box.

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