About Terraforming Mars: Bio Printing Facility Promo Card
Promo card for Terraforming Mars, available at the Fryxgames webshop. Bio Printing Facility Introducing new species on demand. Action: Spend 2 energy to gain 2 plants OR to ...Read More
4/5 Terraforming Mars has become a hit success. A tile laying, action selection, engine builder set on Mars. This game works incredibly well. If you play with drafting the game will take longer. If you play at higher player counts the game will take longer. Definitely utilize the +1 to all resources start to speed the early game up. This game rivals ONLY cosmic encounter for the most player powers. This game is very satisfying. 100+ plays.
4/5 There are many expansions and promos for this game. The metal cubes are nice to have. The dual layer player boards are mandatory. The promos are not needed at all, but are nice to have for more variety. The Automa is nice to have, but the app is also a good purchase.
5/5 Terraforming Mars map pack expansions are wonderful. They simply provide variety. Prelude adds no extra rules, but speeds the gameplay up significantly and is a must have. It adds more variety to the way you start your engine. Milestones & Awards adds more variety to the game.
3/5 Turmoil flows well in terms of politics and disasters, but it adds a lot of length. Colonies is really nice and quite a bit of fun, but the colonies are unbalanced and this also adds more length. Venus Next is an easy addition to the game, adding more cards and no new rules. The sideboard is easy to work with, but this also adds more game length. We like games to be shorter rather than longer. The expansions are all good.
The negative red card box effects feel bad for absolutely no reason. We removed them for a better experience.
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