Hunt a Killer: Hawthorn Junction
About Hunt a Killer: Hawthorn Junction
A string of disappearances in the blue-collar town of Hawthorn Junction has gone overlooked. As the town’s newest resident, you will have to decide who to trust. Everyone is a suspect. Can you u...Read More
Hunt a Killer: Hawthorn Junction Expansions
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This is my third Hunt a Killer game, and the most sprawling I've played to date. The hook is "Here's a giant bag full of clues, figure out why so many people have disappeared in Hawthorn Junction." There's no narrow question (like Blair Witch), and no "confirmation gate" as in Dive Bar -- where you'll know you're on the right track if you can open a sealed bag that comes with the game.
It's neat! Lots to pick apart, lots of potential red herrings, and some difficult-looking codes to decipher.
This one took us four sessions and probably around 5-8 hours overall. We solved it, although we intuited some elements rather than catching the actual clues.
Unlike the bar and Blair Witch, there are no "gates" in this one to tell you you're on the right track. That makes for a challenging and entertaining mystery sandbox.