About Cooper Island: The Skilled Workers
For those who want to bring a little more variety to Cooper Island, there is now this mini expansion. The Skilled Workers consists of 6 postcards that replace the traditional worker tableaus....Read More
- Asymmetric player boards that give you a direction
- Not needed at all
Certainly not needed and makes the game a bit more forgiving, but I do enjoy playing with the Skilled Workers. The updated player boards provide players with a direction/focus to pursue by offering discounts or benefits for using certain actions (assuming you've unlocked the respective Workers). Given the sandboxy nature of the game, the added focus is welcomed.
They make the game a bit easier as you get advantages on certain actions if you chose that worker. And there is nithing wrong in making Cooper Island a tad easier :-)
Definitely good to have and useful if it aligns with your game objectives.
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