Fit to Print
About Fit to Print
Fit to Print is a puzzly tile-laying game about breaking news, designed by Peter McPherson and set in a charming woodland world created by Ian O’Toole! Thistleville is the world’s...Read More
Fit to Print Expansions
Similar Games to Fit to Print
Initial hot take after a 2p game is, it reminds me of a distilled Millennium Blades; similar round structure, time pressure, frenzied card/tile acquisition, various symbols to parse and quickly satisfice against, even has a meta component with the Friday/Saturday/Sunday memos. It's just smaller.
The Newsroom Mode looks delightfully bonkers. Initial outlook is a 7? Not sure it has staying power compared to MB (given it's absolutely massive card roster)
edit: After a bunch of 4 and 5p games, it's a strong 7, if not a weak 8. Really impressive design and attention to detail (the individual titles on tiles and ads is quite slick). My only quibble against the game is that it suffers from a scoring burden; I haven't figured out if I want to have pairs of folks do scoring, or have everyone do it on their own and then compare later or what, but having one person do all of the record keeping sort of sucks.
edit2: After trying Newsroom Mode with 10 players, I actually think that's the superior form of the game; scores are tighter, and action is crazier because now you can dedicate brain power to optimization (and in trade, accept a hit on efficiency of communication). Getting it to work is tough though; you need space and at least six players. On that note, I think if I had six and the space, I'd play Newsroom mode over the regular game. It would benefit from a DM of sorts though at that size. Strong 8.
I've never been the biggest fan of realtime games - while I can see the appeal, most do nothing but exacerbate my existing issues with anxiety. Fit To Print, however, does enough things right for it to be a game I enjoy going back to again and again. It nails the depth in complexity required for a game of this length, succeeding in being equal parts inviting and challenging for casual and experienced gamers alike, and actually manages to get across the thematic experience of frantically setting the layout of a newspaper.
The Breaking News mini-expansion elevates the game even further, setting additional constraints on how you place your tiles every round, and is a must-add for us every time we play.
A criminally underrated game, especially with promo options and the journalist abilities. This is a game that will frequently have even experienced players banging their heads in frustration as they realise they've just forgot to move those two paintings together. The option to have the player lowest in cash flow eliminated offers a good catch up mechanic, though I'd probably offer a house rule to ignore that for first time players.
1-6 Players Best: 4 In Julia's Top 10
The gameplay is good, but this game is brought down by the long, tedious scoring which took us about as long as the rounds at 5p.
MDG sleeves
Cool real-time game, reminds me a lot of Galaxy Trucker. I'll have to play more to know how I feel about it.
(Plays: 1)
Probably fine as a multiplayer game but the solo is just a straight up optimization puzzle with only a few scenarios so not much to it.
画风挺萌的。 乱抢一通,一看星期五(游戏一共玩三轮,星期五六七)的分数,6,呵呵,果断掀桌 不适合我
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