About Shadows over Camelot: Merlin's Company
From DOW blog Merlin’s Company is an expansion for the popular Shadows over Camelot board game. It introduces a host of new characters - including 7 new knights and Merlin himself - to ...Read More
Another one of those cases where I don't really see much point in expanding/modifying the base game - it is good as is. May change my mind with more plays.
So the traitor wins most of the time. Then lets make it certain by adding in the Merlin cards.
Продавам/заменям за 220 лева. Продава се само заедно с базовата игра, тъй като са в една кутия.
Mandatory expansion, in my opinion, just for the travel deck. In the base game, traveling was a "heroic action," just because. No reason why, just because. This expansion changes all that.
Adds a few interesting things. Not sure this game needed 8 players and 2 traitors - feels a bit full and too difficult.
Overpriced for what you get.
DOW dec 2008
Age of Steam Deluxe: Expansion Volume IV
The White Castle
Cascadia: Rolling Rivers