About Sabika
On the hill of Al-Sabika in Granada, the Nasrid dynasty created one of the most impressive constructions in history, the Alhambra. In Sabika, you play the role of one of the Nasrid nobles who...Read More
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with home made insert
played 2p, very enjoyable. 1st play will be slow due to the many symbols but gameplay is actually fairly simple and straightforward with satisfying brain burn. cant wait to play again!
Ale & María
I really enjoy this both solo and multiplayer but I do think it plays more quickly and smoothly at 2. Solo is really fun, very tight, and if you watch Gaming Rules playthrough you will know how to play. I like the variety of things going on, the art of the game, and the puzzle of what to prioritize in such a tight resource game. The solo is easy to run and a challenge - and the "bots" for a two person game really do enhance the experience. Highly recommended in the medium euro category (it's a little past medium to me but not high)
Compra conjunta con Menacho, Enric, Fernando y Jordi. Jugado en La Sagrera, me gusto mucho. Hay que estar muy atento a los poemas menores y su potencialidad y a los viajes pero mucho va en función del objetivo final de partida. Muy chulo, la verdad.
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