About Mistwind
In the newly explored frontiers of the Mistwind Islands, bustling cities are filled with hard working townsfolk from fungus farmers to deep mist divers. Transport whales are seen soaring above the thi...Read More
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Similar Games to Mistwind
Late game seemed way too easy.
AMAZING table presence, the flying whales and the art is stunning. I was scared there wouldn't be much more going for it than that, but there's actually an amazing game here! The system works so nice and building out your outposts is super satisfying. It's a bit of a learning curve with all the symbols and such, but it's a great time.
Rahdo: "One of the coolest, freshest, new takes on worker placement I've seen in quite a long time."
I played a prototype version of the game a friend of mine got for a video review. It's super fun! I really like the feeling of growth throughout the game and the strategy of placing the numbered discs. The aesthetic is very nice as well. I've already backed the game on Kickstarter, and am looking forward to the full release.
Beautiful looking game and plays rather quickly.
A solid game. I like how the action selection works with the chips. There's a small bluffing element to it as well as a small deduction element (very small). The pickup and deliver works well as a push on/towards the other elements. The real game is about network-building in order to permit inexpensive accomplishment of the different goals and deliveries. That's really what everything is in service to.
Art is very nice. I like the atmosphere and world building. The wash on the KS edition is very poor. (Awaken Realms does such good washes that it's hard to fathom how poor this one is in comparison.)
Play time is okay. It's hard to plan in advance since other player's actions will limit my own as well as inform them.
Solo game is okay. It's a touch too predictable and manageable (as in being able to manipulate the AI for my own ends) for my taste.
Our group think had going last as more powerful than first since it guarantees your pick of the bottom-of-the-board bonuses. I think there's a balance against using start player to guarantee the powerful actions you want, but I'm not 100% positive. In all honesty, I would have start player rotate each round and beef up the 4th action spot on the 3rd side of the board. That at least balances turn order more evenly and provides a more well-rounded suite of options. It would also make planning for future turns easier and more powerful - something I think should be part of the game and rewarded.
Also, I'm unconvinced that the character cards are good enough. I could easily be wrong, but you only get 16 actions in the game. Spending 1 to buy a character card means it better be worth it. I fear that some of the cards just aren't worth it. Not positive, just a rough feeling. (I could easily be wrong.)
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