Circadians: First Light – Specialists Expansion
About Circadians: First Light – Specialists Expansion
The days on Ryh are longer than those on Earth. Yet somehow it was still 33 rotations before we encountered the Oxataya - another 12 before we met any Ahzuri. So far our negotiations have gone well. O...Read More
The expansion adds new leaders (great) and two more aliens to negotiate (you can trade water!). However, the new aliens create more worker placement spots which makes it a little too open in this area (less player interaction). This is also somewhat true for the other additions. There are also new specialists that add more flexibility by breaking general rules and there are also new locations. All in all, this expansion adds more opportunities, complexity, and depth without changing the overall game too much, however, it comes with longer playing time and more open (loose) worker placement.
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