About Nova Roma
In 324 AD, Emperor Constantine selected the ancient city of Byzantium on the shores of the Bosphorus to become the site of his new capital. He named it Nova Roma which means New Rome. To establish his...Read More
Nova Roma Expansions
Similar Games to Nova Roma
The central action selection mechanism here is engaging & competitive enough as you really don't want people to take the spot you want! Having said that, there seems to be one too many mini-games and not all of them are equally engaging. It seems they have been added just so the math of the action-selection grid works out but it just ends up adding to the cognitive load. Merv remains my favorite game of this genre. There, the central city-building mechanism is not only more interesting but it does a great job of tying up all the mini-games thematically as well as mechanically. Playing Nova Roma only made me want to play Merv again... too bad I traded it away! face palm
More, on my ⟣⧗First Pass⧗⟢ Blog: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/164631/anim8rs-new-to-me-in-august-2024
Good mid-weight point salad euro.
Nova Roma is a heavier Euro point salad. It features an action selection mechanism reminiscent of Targi and Calimala. Players have 30 actions in the whole game, and efficiency is key. Players have a "mosaic board" that behaves like a bingo card, and players are rewarded for completing rows, columns, or diagonals on it.
At the end of the day, Nova Roma is a touch heavy for my tastes, and I will stick with Calimala for a game that scratches a similar itch. Nova Roma is definitely worth playing though, and it works great with 3 players.
Picit a Merv-re emlékeztet az akcióválasztás benne, ugyanakkor engem ez a játék sokkal jobban szórakoztatott. Az akciók szerintem nagyon ötletesek, kicsit olyan "játék a játékban" feelingjük van. Könnyen megérthető a működésük, hála a nagyszerű szabálykönynek. Mihajlo Dimitrievski grafikáit nem szoktam szeretni, de szerintem itt teljesen rendben van a design. Több, mint valószínű, hogy beszerzem, mert ilyen jó grid akcióválasztós játékból nagyon kevés van a polcomon.
From Essen 2024. Thanks Alex.
Pretty mediocre euro. Trajan esque in it's minigame nature with a grid action selection system with a worker placement element. Very bland, nothing inspired here that isn't in a bunch of other euros already. Wouldn't return to it
Age of Steam Deluxe: Expansion Volume IV
My Shelfie