Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen Halloween
About Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen Halloween
Two players reenact the scene from the movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in which Harry and Wesley rescue Hermione from the Troll in the bathroom at Hogwarts. ...Read More
Similar Games to Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen Halloween
Got the Italian version. Frankly, not a very good game. It becomes much better if in the last part, the player who gets Hermione must take her to the exit to win, while he other tries to steal her from the opponent. -Whoever gets Hermione puts her in his inventory and roll the dice again. -If the chaser land in the opponent's spot, steals Hermione and roll the dice. -Move cards can be played; whoever gets to the exit spot carrying Hermione wins.
Hi, ich suche jemanden, der dieses Spiel verkaufen mag, da mir vor vielen Jahren eine Figur anhanden gekommen ist...
Hi, I'm looking for someone who likes to sell this game, because there's one figure missing in my one...