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Quests for the Brave: A Solitaire Fantasy Game

Quests for the Brave: A Solitaire Fantasy Game
BGG Overall Ranking
1 players
Best: 1
1.3 / 5
10-20 min
Playing Time

About Quests for the Brave: A Solitaire Fantasy Game

Quests for the Brave is a light “dice placement” or “dice allocation” solitaire game which tasks the Player with helping six Heroes to achieve 12 treacherous and difficult Ques...Read More

Quests for the Brave: A Solitaire Fantasy Game Expansions

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Update: I've played most of the quests. I really admire the innovations that the designer has introduced to this format. There's a "circle" quest and a "chase" quest that are especially inventive. That said, overall, this is not one of my favorite of the Lambo book games. The quests are just too hard to win. There are some rule differences between Quests and Beaches that make the former harder (and, for me, less fun) - the maps have on average more spaces, getting to the top of the map kills the hero rather than restarts (as in Beaches), there is no equivalent to "grenade" spaces that hit on 5 or 6, and the "boss" can take more hits (and recover from them) then the pillboxes in Beaches. I've played with some house rules but none have quite clicked. Oh well. Still glad I got the game though I think I'll play Beaches instead if I get the hankering for this style game. Original:

I'm a big fan of Mike Lambo's book games. I think I own nearly all of them. I'm amazed at how he's able to churn out quality designs using this Amazon book format. The games are just the type of "wargame" fillers that I've been looking for. My favorites of his are Hostage Rescue, Ghosts of the Jungle, Assault on Vimy Ridge, and Beaches for the Brave, in that order.

This one is very much in the ilk of Beaches for the Brave. However, I get the feeling that some of the "quests" within the book are imbalanced. It feels like they could have used more time in design/development. For example, I've played the third Quest a TON of times and have only won once (but I didn't count it because I think I forgot an enemy roll). I don't feel like I have enough meaningful choices to make, and it just seems brutally hard to win (and not that much fun on the way). Other Quests are more enjoyable. I didn't get this feeling with Beaches for the Brave. These are quick fillers that should feel light and fun to get through.

Oh well, I'll keep at it. Hopefully will get by Quest 3 fair and square and get to the other Quests. Will revisit this rating depending on how the other Quests play. This is still a 7 because... well, obviously it's addicting!


A lot of roll dices, 10-12min games to de-stress... Very funny...


Tough, fast playing solitaire games with very easy to grasp rules. Great for solo or cooperative play with the family. Recommended.


All the Lambo games are devilishly clever and immensely fun. We docked this one a point, however, because the tone of presentation seems a bit dismissive, as if Lambo finds the theme almost too silly to bother with. This tone is somewhat off-putting, but the game itself is excellent nonetheless.


Lambo for dinner again?


Ordered from Fanfare Books, Stratford, Ontario (my FLBS). Light, quick fantasy roll-and-assign-and-move. Varies from "mean" roll and move to siege-tracks.

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