About The Vale of Eternity
In The Vale of Eternity, players are tamers who hunt various monsters and spirits to tame them as minions. In this fantasy world, numerous creatures are living in harmony. Among them, dragons are the ...Read More
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Similar Games to The Vale of Eternity
Tighter-than-usual card drafting game with some interesting restrictions on how you can build out your tableau, as you do the same thing in every other game of this genre and try to find synergies in those cards to get your engine whirring faster.
I like this game enough that I probably won't ever turn down a game of it, although if there's ever a second version, I'd love for them to do something about the readability of the cards since it's almost impossible to parse them when they're facing upside down from across the table.
This is a combo/engine building game. Players play 10 rounds to try to get the most points that they can from the 10 cards that they can play out in front of them.
The mana system and the limit of cards in play based on the round is interesting and provides a nice tight game.
Easy to learn game. Probably best to play with 2 or 3 players if you're allergic to downtime, but I've played it on a 4 players configuration, and besides the first game that was a bit long, the next one was quick (and tense !). A masterpiece.
Tried on BGA, then had a second play a while later in real life (had almost completely forgotten the first play). Game felt too long at 4p and really slows down at the beginning of each round as each player looks at all the cards available. Winner likely decided by randomness.
First play impressions: very good! It's a cracking game - with very simple rules, simple cards, loads of combos (clearly) and some satisfying zip to card runs. I like it and want to play more.
Fast, easy to learn, satisfyingly tight engine builder. I like the constraints on gems and played cards. Some cards or combos might be OP. Excellent production value combined with appropriately sized box make for a great game.
超主观点评: 1、规则简单,玩过四季物语的可以快速上手,没玩过的3分钟也讲完规则了,画风可可爱爱,文字量适中,DT不长,整局游戏时间40分钟左右(3人局),用于推新是个不错的选择。 2、互动充分,一是有很多搞人的卡牌,二是选牌的时候抢得很激烈,毕竟强不强也挺清晰的,虽然大家路线不一样。 3、卡牌之间很多配合,经常可以憋出一张牌二三十分的大招(60分结束),我的黄沙巨人就刷了32分,爽歪歪! 小心得: 执行弃掉别人卡牌的行动时要慎重,毕竟有卡牌张数上限在那,弃不到关键牌的时候就会变成帮别人。 玩法: 1、顺时针每人预定一张牌,然后逆时针每人再预定一张牌(和卡坦岛一样)。 2、顺时针行动,对于预定的两张牌,可以弃掉换魔法石也可以拿到手上。只要魔法石的价值足够,打出的卡牌又没超上限,就可以打出任意张牌。 10个回合或者有人分数达到60分游戏结束。