About Ezra and Nehemiah
In his first year as king of Persia, Cyrus the Great issued a decree in writing to the Israelite exiles living under his rule: The God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and...Read More
Ezra and Nehemiah Expansions
Similar Games to Ezra and Nehemiah
The biblical theme is a good vibe! It's a busy board! I feel there is one mechanic/action too many.
Great. It’s biblically thematic, which appeals to us. Great rule book, super solid game play. Really love it.
It's good, but ultimately not enough replayability and I'd rather play Viacounts.
You can do almost anything every turn and the choices are multi-tiered - e.g. clear rubble AND build, place a Levite AND build temple, etc. Not to mention place workers for bonus resources on your player board or update things or use a special ability on a just played card - it fans out quickly which is the complexity here. I liked it, but need to play a few times to really determine how much I like it. So far, quite a bit - might be my favorite worker placement game?
Liked it ok but it's just a box of Shem Phillips mechanisms. And this is one where some actions are substantially better than other actions.
After another play my suspicions are confirmed. The red action for anything other than the flame doesn’t net you very much. Filling the temple is a fools errand. The gray action is solid, but wasteful. I don’t think it’s ever possible to clear a gate and rebuild it in the same action so there is no economy there and the wall/gate points aren’t great. The blue action is where the payoff is. Get your bonuses and scoring set early and then move accordingly.
In a 4 player game where all 4 players are equally smart you’d end up performing a lot of wasteful and stupid actions to try to eek out a victory. So this is truly a 6 and not worth keeping (I never had it) but I will play it with my friend Missy.
6/21/24 nk
Outstanding an excellent addition from Garphill. Elements from most of my favorites. 1 play it's in my top 5 garphills. probably will end up top 3 if not number 1. It has that potential combined with the theme it's outstanding
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