Commands & Colors: Ancients Expansion Pack #5 – Epic Ancients II
About Commands & Colors: Ancients Expansion Pack #5 – Epic Ancients II
Commands & Colors: Epic Ancients II is the fifth expansion for the Commands & Colors: Ancients game. Commands & Colors: Epic Ancients II - allows experienced players the opportuni...Read More
Team play greatly improves the base game.
The king of the CC:A family. Enough scope, theatre and majesty to keep even Berg diehards happy. The drama of ancient conflict was never so much fun.
When one board doesn't satisfy your craving for C&C:A, you have Epic -- double the board, double the units, and loads of fun.
To play this, you have to have all of the expansions. You aren't going to get by with 2 base games, unless you are ready to buy 2 copies of every expansion. Also, be sure your two maps are the same thickness.
This features a new new command deck for these games are the real gem, making the game much easier to play (just like [thing=37911]Overlord[/thing] cards in [thing=10630]Memoir '44[/thing]). The card holders are also fancy. I use them for other Borg games.
Beyond that, you probably know the routine from Richard Borg's other two map games: up to 8 players per side, passing cards, limited communication, and such. Excellent expansion!
It's hard for me to imagine every reaching for the single-map C&C:A scenarios after playing Epics, unless I'm short on time or space.
Direct from GMT on their P500 system, Arrived 28th Oct 2009.